Tuesday, June 9, 2015

Seeking the truth

Veritas....meaning truth....Hmm...well, as humans, we are constantly on the prowl for truth in our lives. Whether that's through seeking the truth in a new haircut you just got, or why you are a coke fan rather than dr. pepper, or why your co-workers are so rude, or maybe something a little more personal like the truth about why a family member/loved got some sort of sick. (Dang that got dark kinda fast Cass, maybe take it a little slower..) Sorry, (#sorrynotsorry haha) but basically, as a society we are constantly searching for truth in the wrong places. Many of which lead us all deeper into sin, therefore farther away from the real truth, which is God. I am definitely guilty of this, and I have come to realize how unimportant all those things are. Through every situation, we are called upon by the Lord to trust Him in all of these situations no matter how dark and endless they may seem. He is forever the WAY the TRUTH and the LIFE. God, our heavenly father is always calling us DAILY to follow His truth of heart. Some of you may be wondering.. "Well wait Cass...you make it sound so easy, how are we supposed to follow the truth of the Lord daily?" (or maybe you're not, but even if that's the case, just stick with me here) and my response to you would be "Well lemme tell ya, it's not necessarily a stroll in a field of rainbows, where they hand out free ice cream and let you watch SpongeBob all day" (but dang wouldn't that be nice) it's asking the Lord for help daily, in simple ways like: "Lord, today allow me to be an instrument of your peace and to not get easily frustrated with my siblings." and see where He takes that desire! Along with this, also taking the opportunities (no matter how small they may seem) that He hands you each day and using them in the most positive and Christ driven ways you can think of. God made that beautiful brain of yours SO UNIQUE, and He wants to see what you, and specifically YOU can do with it! It will not always come so easily, for the world is full of negative temptations that come straight from Satan (that mean dude who lives WAY downstairs) but the Lord prevails ALWAYS. So, what does this have to do with this blog? Well, I hope to fill this blog with positive, Christ-driven, and hopefully inspiring posts and laughs, that allow each of you in some way become closer to Christ in the process.

Peace and Blessings!


"Be who God meant you to be and you will set the world on fire."
~ Saint Catherine of Siena ~

1 comment:

  1. Awesomesauce!!! #letthetruthbeheard
    This is great babe! :)
    (And yes, I'm at panda on my break right now lol)
