Thursday, June 25, 2015

Take A Moment (with Christmas movie references)

Imagine you’re running in a race, there are people whizzing past you and others lagging behind. You’re trying to keep a steady pace and breathe in through your nose and out through your mouth to slow your heartbeat, but you can’t help but feel like you need to either speed up or slow down. Everyone around you seems to know what they are doing and you begin to feel helpless. There are temptations of voices all around you telling you to ignore your pace and hustle up so you can pass everyone and everything around you, or to just give up and shut down. You become unhappy with your pace and stamina, and are getting tired of trying to keep moving, and now you are beginning to think of giving up…

Okay PAUSE, now I know what you may thinking, pshh Cass I don’t run in races…its summer! I just love to watch re-runs of Friends while eating some rad chips and queso man! And if that’s the case, we should be best friends. Just sayin. But just play along with me here for a little bit. Notice that during this “race” many of your thoughts were about everyone else’s pace and trying to beat them, but also notice that those thoughts only slowed you down making you want to give up, and ignoring the pace that was set for you. This can be very applicable to our own present lives, and how we can often ignore the daily calling Jesus has for us. We often focus our thoughts on how others are achieving/receiving things that we may not have and want. This way of living, comparing ourselves to one another and trying to catch up with them in a negative way is unhealthy. The daily calling of the Lord tells each of us to keep our own pace, and to give thanks for the pace He has set in our lives.

        Step one to solving this problem is to realize that the Lord is TIMELESS. He lives forever and always, so within His timelessness we are called to thank Him by living out His will in the PRESENT. Allow Him to work in you and through you DAY by DAY and MOMENT by MOMENT. Some days and moments may seem pointless, like they are leading nowhere. However, I encourage you to TRUST in how the Lord is working in your life. He is present ALWAYS. You may feel stuck, frustrated, confused, disappointed, tired, or neglected but open your heart and know that the Lord is ever present in EACH of those moments. He is constantly lifting us up and teaching us things in each day we face.  Those days and moments are so precious to the Lord, for He has great plans for every detail of your life. So I also encourage you to take those ordinary days that seem pointless and seek the Joy of the Lord in every moment. Okay, so now you’re probably thinking: “But Cass, how the heck do I do that? My life isn’t that exciting.” And I would say to you WRONGO!

       (okay I couldn’t help but quote the Grinch, but just stay with me) When I say EACH moment of your life is blessed, I’m not exaggerating. I mean, I’m not saying that as you’re biting into a taco and it depressingly falls onto the floor you need to yell out “I’m #blessed man!” But I AM saying that even the most ordinary of days are full of moments that the Lord is calling you to be a present disciple and serve Him. He is calling YOU, yes YOU, to be present in each moment He gives you. If you are not open to this message He has for you, you may miss an amazing opportunity to serve Him. (add a little more)                             

           Step two to solving this problem is to also realize that the Lord creates us each unique in the image and likeness of Himself. So while every tiny detail of your life is precious to Him, also every detail of YOU and YOUR soul and YOUR heart is so very precious to Him as well. No one else could repeat what you do in your life the same way. YOU are an unrepeatable soul, whom with the Lord is well pleased! (YAY!) Comparing ourselves to one another is a very easy thing to be tempted to do. I know I have personally struggled with this time and time again. So that leads into…..*drum roll*…..STORY TIME! WOOHOO!! GET PUMPED! Alright so I was at this conference called DCYC (Diocesan Catholic Youth Conference) (which is an amazing experience by the way, so check that out *wink wink*) (Shout out to the Fort Worth Diocese!) and there are lots of Franciscan Friars there among other holy orders (gosh I love them….Fraannciisscaaannn that’s fun to say…also quoting Elf…guess I’m feeling that Christmas spirit *not in July*) (okay I’m done) and one of my favorites Fr. Augustino was there and we were just hangin’ out and eating some Chicken Express (#itscasual) and he said something to me that has really stuck with me ever since. My mom and I were joking around about my freckles and that I have SO MANY and He looked me straight in the eye and said: “’He tells the number of the stars; he calls them all by their names.’ Then he pointed to my face and said “and He knows every ONE.” (Psalm 147:4) This opened my eyes to the fact that Jesus created each and every part of me and calls it BEAUTIFUL, even my brokenness. How freakin’ great is that?! So the Lord takes pride in every single tiny detail of your being. He gets the hugest smile on His face when we make Him proud and do all things in His name. Even the events in your life, because through all of those events, whether they seem pointless or good or bad, they mean EVERYTHING to Him. So if He sees that in each of us…shouldn’t that mean that we should be rejoicing in our uniqueness and be proud of ourselves rather than looking toward others with jealousy? Just something to think about.


Lastly, another step to allow yourself to receive your daily calling from the Lord is to know your limits. By this, I mean to know how much you can do and what is out of your control. Always be aware that the Lord is good, and that if something is truly upsetting you but you know that there is nothing you can do to change it that it is completely out of your control. Let go of those feelings of helplessness or regret and move on to what He is trying to teach you RIGHT NOW. If you continue to dwell on the negativity of the situation, that will only lead you to feel more helpless. Through that experience of not having control of a situation, Jesus wants you to walk with Him and see just how that situation is allowing you to TRUST in His daily plan and allow Him to dwell in your heart forever. Each day is different and SO blessed in the eyes of the Lord! He doesn’t want to see any of His beloved children upset over something that is out of their control. Instead He calls each of us to pray to Him and ask for guidance as simple as this: “Oh Lord Jesus, I feel helpless and restless, like I can’t do anything to help this situation. Lift my load Lord, and allow me to find peace in the fact that this is out of my control and forever in your blessed hands. Jesus I trust in You. Amen.”

Second lastly…of course I have a song that I feel can speak to any of you who are struggling with anything I have mentioned, or if you know anyone who may need to hear this please share it! It’s a song called “Take A Moment” by Will Reagan and the United Pursuit. It’s so simple, yet beautiful! Here’s a little quote from it to finish out this post: “Take a moment to remember, who God is and who I am…there You go lifting my load again.”


“I’m in love, I’m in love and I don’t care who knows it!” (With Jesus) (Courtesy of Buddy the Elf)


Love and Blessings


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